Adding Contact forms to Content Pages

Contact forms are especially userful tools on an eCommerce platform, it allows the customer to reach out and give information to the store owner. This can range anywhere from obtaining tax information to allowing a customer to reach out to you and ask questions.

  1. You will first want to create the contact form. Its a fairly straightforward process.
  2. After creating the content form, you will want to go to Themes > Edit your theme > Content Page Base > Widgets and create a Contact Form Widget.
  3. Immediately after creating it, make sure to check on the Enable Merge Code option.
  4. After enabling this option, you will then want to set the widget to display the content form you created in Step 1.
  5. Now that we have a contact form widget, you will want to go into the content page you'd like to have this form display on. Simply take the merge code from the widget, and paste it into the content page. If done correctly, the content form should start appearing instantly, allowing customers a simple method to get in contact with you.
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