Banner Rotation

Many sites have a banners used across the web. Spark Pay online stores have a feature built in to the Spark Pay online store console, and is easy to set up.

NOTE: Banners will not display using ad-block software. So if you're setting this up, and not seeing the banner, disable any ad-blocking software.

To set up the banners, we will first want to go to Marketing > Power Features > On-Site Banners. Here is a list where all the different banners the site will pull from.

To start, click New in the top right, and add a banner. The banner can be in the form of an image, or HTML if desired.

Once the overview loads, the options will begin to appear for the banner. The link URL and the Banner HTML/URL can both be relative if the link/banners are hosted from the site.

The Rotation Weight % is where to set how often the banner displays. Put a number in here to give the specific banner a weight.  For example, put this at 50%, and the banner will show up half the time when the page loads.

After adding the banners you would like to switch out, you will want to add the Banner widget onto the store. Go to Themes > Edit Theme > Edit page > Widgets  and add the Banner Ad widget.

After adding, the widget now loads the different banners based on the weight percentage given to it earlier.

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