This is a C# code example for creating a Shipment
public static void CreateShipment(){
AmeriCommerceDatabaseIO oWs = InitializeWebservice();
// get an existing order
OrderTrans oOrder = oWs.Order_GetByKey(100167);
// fill its collection of existing shipments
oOrder = oWs.Order_FillOrderShippingCollection(oOrder);
// create a list out of the shipments collection array so we can manipulate it
System.Collections.Generic.List<OrderShippingTrans> oShipmentCol;
if (oOrder.OrderShippingColTrans != null)
oShipmentCol = new System.Collections.Generic.List<OrderShippingTrans>(oOrder.OrderShippingColTrans);
oShipmentCol = new System.Collections.Generic.List<OrderShippingTrans>();
// add a new shipment
OrderShippingTrans oShipment = new OrderShippingTrans();
oShipment.IsNew = true;
oShipment.OrderID = oOrder.orderID;
oShipment.TrackingNumbers = "1234567890";
oShipment.ShippingDate = MakeDataDateTime(DateTime.Parse("09/1/09"));
oShipment.ShippingMethod = "test";
oShipment.TotalWeight = MakeDataMoney(1.0m);
// optionally add items to shipment
// this shipment will contain all items on the order, but it can be a partial shipment as well
oOrder = oWs.Order_FillOrderItemCollection(oOrder);
// this part is a bit strange - this is due to OrderShippingOrderItemsTrans being an associative entity
// between the OrderItems and OrderShipping collections
// since the shipment will contain all the items on the order, create an array that is the same length as the order's items array
oShipment.OrderItemColTrans = new OrderItemTrans[oOrder.OrderItemColTrans.Length];
// loop through and create the associative entity for each order item
for (int i = 0; i < oOrder.OrderItemColTrans.Length; i++){
OrderShippingOrderItemsTrans oItem = new OrderShippingOrderItemsTrans();
oItem.IsNew = true;
oItem.OrderItemsID = oOrder.OrderItemColTrans[i].orderItemsID;
oItem.QuantityShipped = oOrder.OrderItemColTrans[i].quantity;
oShipment.OrderItemColTrans[i] = oOrder.OrderItemColTrans[i];
oShipment.OrderItemColTrans[i].OrderShippingOrderItemsTrans = oItem;
// add this shipment to the collection
// convert the shipment col back to an array and assign it to the order
oOrder.OrderShippingColTrans = oShipmentCol.ToArray();
// saving the parent object (the order) will handle saving all of its children (shipments, etc)