Changing your order confirmation email addresses

Instructions for AmeriCart v2012

Instructions for AmeriCart Classic

If you aren't sure which version of AmeriCart you're using, click to see screenshots of each version.

Instructions for AmeriCart v2012

  1. Log into your control panel:
  2. Navigate to "Cart Configuration > Edit Cart Settings".
  3. On the next page, go to the "About Your Website" section and scroll down to "ORDER CONFIRMATION EMAILS".
  4. Click the trash can to delete one of your existing addresses. To add a new address, type it in the box directly below "Add a new email address", then click the plus sign.

Screenshot of order confirmation address configuration page


Instructions for AmeriCart Classic

  1. Log into your control panel:
  2. Navigate to "Cart Configuration > Edit Cart Settings"
  3. On the next page, go to the "About Your Website" section and scroll down to "Email Address you wish orders sent to".
  4. Enter your email address in the "Email" and "Confirm Email" boxes
    • To enter multiple addresses, separate each with a comma. For example:,
  5. Scroll down and click "SAVE & CONTINUE ON TO NEXT SECTION >>"
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