Custom Shipping Methods


Custom shipping methods help you choose what region, warehouse, and customer type you wish to ship items to for a given price or percentage.

This article illustrates how to create a Free Custom Shipping Method that applies to all orders over $50.

Here are the steps:

1. Login to your Administration Console. Once in navigate to Custom Shipping Methods, located under Settings > Shipping > Custom Shipping Methods.


2. Next click New and then enter your desired name and description and click Save.


3. You need to make sure that you set the method to active. Then begin adding rules the shipping method making sure to click the yellow plus sign to add new rules.

4. This rule is what sets the limitations for the method. In our case it will limit the method to orders over $50. You can assign multiple rules to a single method if you would like. To add a rule, start by clicking the New Rule button. Then assign the appropriate values to each of the fields. In our case we are using a starting value of $50 and an upper value of $9999999 to include all orders over $50. If you would like to limit the method to orders coming from a specific region , warehouse  or customer type you can do that by specify a specific value in the corresponding fields, or you can simply leave them as every and all types to include all orders. Click the save button in the upper right hand corner. At which point you can add an new rule, or a new method.  


IMPORTANT NOTE: When selecting a region for a shipping method rule, the rule will only match to one region and the more specific region. You may need to include a rule for each specific region, warehouse, or customer type. For example: If you have a United States region and a Texas region and you wanted to include a shipping rate of $10 for all the United States including Texas, you would have to create two rules; one for United States and one for Texas.

Weight units is using Lbs. If you are using Kgs as weight unit, 1 Kg =  2.20462 lb.


5. Click the Add Rule button. You should now have a Free Shipping Custom Shipping Method.



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