Order management
Q7: How will I know that I've received an order?
A7: When a customer completes an order, our system will send you a confirmation email, containing a summary of the purchase. For security reasons, sensitive information such as credit card data is omitted from this email.
Full order details can be retrieved securely on our website, through your merchant control panel.
Q8: An order appeared in my merchant control panel, but I never received a confirmation email. What happened?
A8: You should check your spam folder or trash folder. Missing order emails are nearly always the result of trouble on the receiving end. Either the ISP/webhost blocks them, or your email program does.
If you're still unable to locate these emails, please send a message to Americart technical support, listing the missing order numbers. We will check our mail server logs, to look for possible causes of this issue.
Q9: In addition to my control panel's order log, what other reports can I generate?
Q9: We offer a CSV export of your order data. This can be imported into a variety of applications, such as Excel and Access.
We integrate with Stone Edge's Order Manager, a powerful order management suite. Our system supports a number of other order management utilities, as well.
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