Campaign Coupon Codes

You can create a large amount of random coupon codes by using the Campaign Coupon Codes feature. The discount system can support any number of coupon codes with one discount method. Combining these features provide a useful tool for marketing campaigns.

To create the coupons,  go to Marketing > Power Features> Campaign Coupons.

Add 1 campaign at a time via the "New" button (orange button in upper right)

This will bring you to the following screen overlay:

Hidden/Visible status does not alter storefront usage, only visibility on the list. To view codes marked hidden, toggle the Show Hidden filter and click Search:

The new coupons are useless without their accompanying discount setup.

When creating a discount method Marketing > Discounts > Discount Methods

Set the Target of the rule to the Campaign you created:

Now all the Coupon Codes for that Campaign will trigger the discount method.  You can also couple this new rule with any of the existing rules and actions to create many different types of coupon discounts.

The customer's order will also track the Campaign Code for the Coupon on the Order. Change the active layout to see the column on the Order Manager list:

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