How do I show quantity on hand / number available of a product on the Product Page?

To show Quantity on hand on the storefront:

  1. You need to enter the quantity on hand through the product editor or import tools
  2. Enable Show Quantity for the product status associated with the products
  3. Enable the display of Quantity on hand

Step 1: Enter On Hand Quantity

This is can be done in Catalog > Products > Edit Product > Inventory or through importing the data using the import tool in Tools > Data Import > Product. 

Below is a snapshot of the field on the product editor.



Step 2: Enable Show Quantity for the product status associated with the products

Browse to Settings > Catalog > Product Statuses 

You will then need to decide which product statuses that you would like to display the Quantity of. You will edit these by selecting the Edit button. This will bring up the "Edit Product Status" page. You will check the box titled "Show Quantity" and Save.

You can choose to enable it for all product statuses for which you want quantity displayed. If you have a product status that should not display the quantity on hand, leave the show quantity box unchecked.

Step 3: Enable 'Show Quantity in Stock' to display quantity on hand

Browse to Themes > Active Theme > Pages > Product Details > Advanced Settings and enable 'Show Quantity in Stock' 


The quantity in stock should now be displayed on the product details page.

Note: If you are using custom page design for the product details page you would need to add the merge code to the page to display the On Hand Quantity.


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