How the Blog Tag Cloud Widget works

The Blog Tag Cloud widget is a new widget introduced with the Blog feature in Spark Pay online stores.

The Tag Cloud will display any tags that are available for the current area of the blog you are in. 

For example, if you go to a blog category the Tag Cloud will update with only the tags that are tagged on posts in that category.

Also the Tag Cloud will "drilldown" posts based on the tags that have been selected prior. 


If you have the  mergecode on your Blog Roll page, it will be updated with any applied tags along with an (x) to remove that particular tag.



Widget Options

The widget has several options to control its appearance.

Minimum Font Size - The smallest size for a tag to be rendered in. This will be used for tags with the lowest number of posts.

Maximum Font Size - The largest size for a tag to be rendered in. This will be used for tags with the highest number of posts.

The font size for the tags are variable between the Minimum and Maximum based on the number of posts for the tag.

Sort - The method used to sort the tags

The sort options are:

  • Alphabetical
  • Post Count High to Low - shows largest tags first
  • Post Count Low to High - shows smallest tags first
  • Random - displays all tags in a random order each time.
Show Post Counts - This will show the number of posts each tag is associated with next to it.





CSS Classes

Each tag will have one of 3 css class:




This will let you style the tags differently based on it's size further than a simple font-size change.

Ex: (this is the default css for them)

/* fade the small ones to 50% opacity */
.BlogTagCloud .TagCloud_MinSize { opacity: 0.5; }
/* Don't do anything to medium ones because they're "normal" */
.BlogTagCloud .TagCloud_MedSize { }
/* Make large tags bold */
.BlogTagCloud .TagCloud_MaxSize { font-weight: bold; }
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