Configuring Customer Rewards
Options for configuring rewards are accessible from Settings > Marketing > Rewards.
Settings Breakdown:
Earn Points In Purchases
- If enabled, customers receive points based on the setting. This reflects only the subtotal spent (taxes and shipping amounts do not earn points). You can configure individual products to earn bonus points as well as regular points. This setting also controls if reward point text displays on the site.
Accept Points As Payments
- If enabled, customers can use points on orders for this store. Note that you can allow redemption of points without allowing earning of points on a specific store and vice versa.
Turn Off Cost In Points In Shopping Cart Merge
- This setting affects the 0 Item(s) ( $0.00 ) merge. When Accept Points As Payment Method is on, this merge will by default show the cost in points. By enabling this option, the cost in points will not show in the 0 Item(s) ( $0.00 ) merge.
Points Earned Per Dollar Spent-
- Determines points earned for each dollar in the order subtotal. Note that this will round up to the nearest whole point value.
Minimum Reward Points To Redeem-
- This setting controls the minimum amount of points that must be used on any order. For example, if this is 10, then a customer must use at least 10 points to redeem an order.
Dollar Value Per Point Redeemed-
- This controls the dollar value of each point when redeeming. For example, if this is 0.25, then each point redeemed will be equal to $0.25. Note that points redeem in whole numbers, and round up to the nearest whole point value.
Days Before Points Are Available
- This setting determines how many days must elapse before earned points become active. Points earned by purchases are entered with a pending status. They cannot be redeemed until activated. This setting works in conjunction with the Order Status To Activate setting. If the order status is set, points will not become active until x days after the order. For example, you may set the status to "Shipped" and the days before available to 7. In this case, the points earned will become available 7 days after the order is set to a shipped status. This setting ensures points are not awarded before an order ships and potentially cancelled.
Days Before Points Expire
- Determines how long after points have become active that they remain valid. You can set this to 0 if you do not want points to expire.
Frequency In Days to Send Expired Points Email-
- Allows store owners to send warning email templates of points that are about to expire. This works with the Days to Look Ahead and Frequency in Days to send Expired Points settings.
Days To Look Ahead For Expiring Points
- Tells the system how many days to look forward when sending point expiration emails. For example, if this were 7, the system starts looking ahead 7 days for any points that may be about to expire. If points will expire, it sends the template.
Frequency In Days To Send Expired Points
- Determines how many emails to send after the initial points expiring email. For example, if this is 2, it sends a followup email indicating points are about to expire every 2 days after the initial email. This draws customers back in to use their points and produce repeat business. The key merge code for this email is ##EXPIRINGREWARDPOINTS##
Points Required Before Sending Activation Notificaiton-
- The Points Required Before Sending Activation Notification, Frequency In Days To Send Active Points Email, and Active Points Email Notification Template are similar to the settings above, except that they control the active points notification email. The key merge code for this email is ##ACTIVEREWARDPOINTSSINCELASTEMAILNOTIFICATION##
GLOBAL Rewards Settings:
These settings are also configurable at the global level, applying to all stores. However these will be overridden if values are entered at the store level. Additionally each store can control whether points are earned and redeemable. This means you can allow points to accrue across all stores. Points are NOT store specific, they apply toward any store that allow point redemption.
Each individual product can configure to have bonus points awarded when purchased.
When set, this amount multiplies by the quantity purchased. For example, if I purchased two of this item, I would receive 70 bonus points, as well as points based on the dollar amount of the product. This allows for promotions to be done for specific products.
Individual products display both their cost in points and bonus points for that product. The cart will also display the amount of points being earned. And when a shipping amount is picked you can see the total cost in points. The customer can also see their active and pending points in the my account page:
You have the ability to adjust points (either add or subtract) for a particular customer in the admin. If you go to the customer editor for a particular customer, you will now have a Manage Reward Points option.
You can go to Customers> Edit Customer> More Actions> Manage Rewards Points as well. This opens a popup that allows manual adjustment.
Any manual adjustments take immediate effect, they do not undergo any "pending" period.
Additionally, the customer editor also shows the current number of active and pending points.
When a store allows paying with points, that option will appear in the payment type drop down on OnePageCheckout. The display of OnePageCheckout automatically shows points earned and total in points if the feature is enabled. Otherwise they are hidden.
Global_RewardPointsLabel_string -
- The actual name of "points" can be changed to whatever they want to call it, and all references will use this value. This could be "credits" or "cartycash" or whatever.
- The text for the "cost in points" text on product details page
- The text for the "bonus points earned" text on the product details page
MyAccount Page
Product Details Page
Shopping Cart
New Customer Level Merges: