What are Customer Types?
A Customer Type is a group defined to apply different pricing levels to different types of customers. For example, a customer who purchases at a wholesale price rate can be a Wholesale Customer Type.
Once the customer type logs into the site, their pricing will show throughout the site instead of the normal pricing.
Defining Customer Types
To create a new Customer Type, click Settings > People > Customer Types. Click New in the upper right hand corner, then enter the details for the Customer Type and click save.
Assigning Customer Types to Customers
To assign customer type, create a new customer and assign the customer type. Or search for existing customers and edit the ones you want. Remember to click Save after you have made the necessary changes.
Assigning Pricing to Customer Types
Pricing can be specified on the Pricing Tab of the Product Editor. (Catalog > Products > Specific Product > Pricing )
On the Pricing tab in the Product Editor click "New Price". Select the Customer Type and enter the pricing details.
Then click Save.