What are Scheduled Exports?
Scheduled Exports allow you to configure automatic data exports of any export type. You can also configure the scheduled export to upload to an external server. This allows you to send data to an external system automatically for processing or backup purposes.
Ready to get started?
In the left side of your admin panel, select the following:
Tools > Data Export > Scheduled Exports
Click New to begin your Scheduled Exports. ![](https://support.sparkpay.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/202546634/schexports2.png)
From here you can use this page to edit the details of a scheduled export. You can give the export a name and a filename format to use, as well as the type of data to export. You can activate or deactivate the export, choose a custom column mapping, set the frequency and time of the export, and more. You can view the logs of the export to see a history of each time this export has run.
Under “Type” you can select the type of Export you are wanting to run specifically.
The selections include:
Attribute Group
Abandoned Carts
Customer Type
Product Pricing
Product Variant
Product Variant Inventory
URL Redirect
Content Pages
Column Mapping can either be a Full Export with no specific Column Definitions selected. Or you can start a new mapping configuration by clicking the icon. The icon will direct you to edit the column mapping, and will allow you to delete a specified saved mapping. You cannot delete the default mapping, however.
In this example we are going to run an export using the full export with no specific mapping.
It has been set to Active to allow the automatic export according to schedule.
The frequency is set to Daily. However, you can choose between the following intervals when you would like to have your scheduled exports run.
We set the first run date to be today's date. This means the date that the export will run for the first time. This will not be used if you run it manually.
The Base Run Time we used is 1:15. This is in U.S. Central Standard Time. All future runs will be calculated based on this time.
Scheduled Exports will save to your Temp Folder, or you can choose the path where you would like them to upload.
Now we have set up our first scheduled export. We will now hit "save".
At any time you can select a specific export, and under More Actions > you can select the following:
Run Now - Automatically run an export.
Run & Upload - Automatically run an export and upload it to the desired location.
Download File - Download the export
Upload To Server - Upload the export to the server.
Resync Run Time - This will alter the next run time. There is no way to undo this, you can only resync again later.
You will prompted to ask if you want to continue.
You will also see your previously scheduled exports. You can click "Clean Up" to remove these files at any time.
More Info on Scheduled Exports:
Scheduled Exports to Other Areas
You can also set up a schedule order export that can be uploaded to an order fulfillment company.
You will need to enter the location for the server the file should upload to. You will also need to input your access credentials for the server.
Store Specific Scheduled Exports
(ie: in the case of having Multiple Storefronts, only having one specified store send an export)
There is not a way currently to make the exports (or even regular product exports) store specific. You can accomplish this by filtering the exports to specific root categories. Then ensure that each storefront had a different root category for the active catalog.
For more information on exporting data, check out the article on How To Export Data.