Understanding Drop Shipping Email Notifications

Setting up drop shipping notifications is enabled and set to work right out of the box. In the event that you need to make changes involving your drop shipping notifications or settings, you can use the steps outlined below.

First, navigate to your warehouses. Settings > Shipping > Warehouses

Now that you are in the Warehouses section, let's make sure that your warehouses are set up to send the correct email notification.

Scroll down the page until you see the “Email Notifications” section.

Under New Order Notification and Payment Received Notification the notification should be set to Payment Received (Drop Shipper).

This triggers the Payment Received (Drop Shipper). It sends to your designated warehouse every time an order has been created or payment is received for an order. This email is the system default email that includes the pre-defined merge codes you will need.

If you wish to use another email to send to your warehouse or simply modify the default Payment Received (Drop Shipper) email, you can make those changes in the Email Template List.

To navigate to Email Templates section, go to Marketing > Email Templates.

From this section you can choose to edit your existing Payment Received (Drop Shipper) email or create a new email template to send to your customers. If you create a new template, please be sure you have your warehouse set to the correct email notification template covered at the beginning of this article.

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