Using the Affiliate Console

The Affiliate Console consists of several pages geared toward providing an affiliate with an easy-to-use but in-depth look at how their campaign is performing.

Affiliate Console URL: Reports > Marketing Dashboard > Affiliate Dashboard

  • The dashboard provides an overview report along with several other statistics.
  • The Campaign Report gives a more in-depth look at the affiliate's statistics.
  • The Get Links area provides an easy method for building links to products in your catalog.
  • The My Account page is the central place to change any of the settings related to the affiliate.

 See the Affiliate Console Reference for a closer look at each of these sections.

Creating & Setting AdCodes through a URL

To set an AdCode on a session for tracking purposes, simply append a= to the querystring of the URL.  If the AdCode does not exist, it creates automatically.  If the AdCode exists, the system checks for an affiliate associated.  If it belongs to an Affiliate, the commission tracking applies to the visitor  Example:


Using the Dashboard

You can use the date range selector in the bottom left to review common and useful statistics.  By default, the date range is set to show totals for the current month. Note that charts may appear blank if there is no data for that particular date range.

 If you wish to log out of the affiliate console, click the Log Out button in the upper left corner.

 The dashboard is reachable at any time by clicking the Home button on the Affiliate Console menu bar.

 See the Affiliate Console Dashboard Reference for an explanation of each chart and statistic.

Building Links


Building links to products, categories, or manufacturers on your site is a two-step process.

  1. Enter a phrase into the search box. This returns a list of manufacturers, categories, and products that match the search terms.
  2. Clicking the icon beside an entry will create a link to that particular manufacturer, category, or product to copy and paste into any web site. The link includes the affiliate's unique Ad Code. (a unique identifier which shows where visitors, customers, and orders originate. This can be from a Keyword Campaign, Banner, Email, etc.) They will get credit for any visitors or sales that they bring to the site.

Viewing the Campaign Report

Like the dashboard page, the Campaign Report has a selectable date range for reporting. A grid will be shown with totals for each day between the dates that are specified. Note that dates with no information will not be shown.

For an explanation of the columns shown, see the Affiliate Campaign Report Reference.

Changing Your Affiliate Account Settings

Select Marketing on the left side (Megaphone). Next select Power Features.

Now select Affiliates.

From here you can edit your individual affiliates.

All settings related to your affiliate account are changeable through the My Account page. Each of the fields are described on the page, but most should be self-explanatory. If you need more assistance with your account settings, contact support.

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