Using the On-Site Banners function

Creating and Managing Banners

The On-Site Banners feature will set up advertisement-type banners for display on your Spark Pay Online Store. Navigate to Marketing > Power Features > On-site Banners to see the list or banners. 


You can click New in the top right to create a new banner. This will bring you to the Banner Editor to create a new banner:

The fields are:

  • Link URL: where you want it to lead to when the banner is clicked.
  • Type: select Image or HTML
  • Image URL/HTML:  Choose to render an image or text link
    • Image: Enter the image path for the display banner. This can be an absolute or relative URL. Read more about Absolute vs Relative URLs here.

    • HTML: Type/paste HTML code to display. This will render inside the link tag, so it's mainly for text or images. (Not intended for large blocks of static html.)

  • Alt Text: Set alt text for the banner, if using Image type
  • Weight: Allocate how much of the time you want this banner to display compared to others in the rotation. All weights for all banners needs to add up to 100 (or close to 100).
  • Optional Link Text: This appends to the banner inside the link. 
    • If Type is Image a <br> will be inserted before the text
    • If Type is HTML it directly inserts after the html (so you'll need add a space or <br> manually in your HTML)
  • Description: This is only informational to tell you what the banner is when editing.
  • Hide Banner: Takes the banner out of the rotation. 
  • Important: 

    Total weight for all banners should equal 100% (or close to). Multiple banners can show at equal intervals with equal weights adding up to 100%. Example: 3 banners are used, each one with 33.3% weight. This equals up to 99.9% (close enough).


The Banner Ads page will list all the banners on the site. It tells you the link for the banner, its weight, number of views and number of clicks.

To edit an existing banner, click the Edit icon in the Actions column next to it in the banners list. 

Displaying on your site

To display your On-Site Banners, add the Banner Ad widget to the area where you want the banners to display. 

Go to your Active theme and go to the area you want to display the banner. 

Here we'll add the Banner Widget to the Homepage. 


1. Go to Themes and click "Edit" or click on the snapshot of your active theme.

2. Go to the Home Page, on the left navigation. Select Widgets and Add Widget to the portion of the page that you wish to display the banner. 

3. Next, click on Banner Ad.

Depending on the theme you are using, the merge code code may be needed in order for the banner to display on your page. If that is the case, you will need to enable and add the specific merge code from the widget settings into the HTML of the page.

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