Email Templates and How to Use Them

Note: Theme modification involves any change to the default values in the HTML or CSS of any theme or widget. Support can direct you to the correct page to make changes or to reset the widget, page HTML or CSS to its default value. This will undo any customization that may be in place. Before you create or modify a theme using HTML and CSS it is suggested to have a backup handy.

While theme modification is outside what support is allowed to assist with, if you need assistance with making modification to the theme, our implementation department is available to make these modification at an hour rate. If the service is ever needed please let us know and we will get that process started for you. Or check out our new Theme Store to find a theme that suits your needs.

Email templates are used for automation and consistency when working with customers, drop shippers, affiliates, etc. Event driven notification emails can also be sent using the email templates.

Some common email notifications are:

  • New Order notifications
  • Tracking information
  • New Customer Registration
  • Affiliate Registation

Email templates can also be populated with merge codes. This is useful for customizing the email with information, such as order details or the customers' name.


Where to Modify and Change emails:

To create or modify existing templates browse to Marketing > Email Templates.

You can either select the template you wish to edit or click the New button to create a new template.

A few templates create by default when you open your Spark Pay online store. You can edit settings for all email templates as per your requirements.

Abandoned Cart

Sent to customers/potential customers who started an order but for whatever reason didn't finish.

(There is no default template for this item as it is user/customer specific. This template will need to be created for you specific needs)

Affiliate Accepted

Sent to affiliates when their application is accepted and approved by you.

Affiliate Denied

Sent to affiliates whose applications are not approved.

Affiliate Registration Confirmation

Sent to affiliates confirming that their affiliate application has been received.

E-Product Delivery

Basic template to start from when sending download/access instructions for e-products.

Gift Certificate Purchaser

Sent to purchaser of a gift certificate. Includes instructions on how/where to access their gift certificate.

Gift Certificate Recipient

Sent to the receiver of a gift certificate. Includes instructions on how/where to access their gift certificate, as well as who bought it for them.

Gift Certificate Recipient Generated

Sent to the receiver of a gift certificate. Gives information on how/where to access their gift certificate.

Lost Password

Sent when "reset password" is requested, with instructions on how/where to reset password.

New Order Notification (Drop Shipper)

This template is sent to a drop-ship warehouse when an order is placed on a product that is to be shipped from there. The template includes order details like customer contact, order id, items, shipping address, etc.

New Review Created

Sent to the author of a new product review. It Explains it may need to be moderated and also confirming the details they submitted for the review.

Order Cancelled

Sent to customers when the status of their order changes to "cancelled".

Order Confirmation

Sent to customers when an order is placed. Includes order details which are populated using merge codes.

Order Shipped

Sent when the status of an order changes to "Shipped".

Payment Declined

Used when the payment specified by the customer is declined for any reason.

Payment Received (Drop Shipper)

Sends an email when a dropshippers' payment is succesfully received.

Quote Cart

Sent to receiver of a quote cart with link to quote cart created.


If a customer registers as a new user on your store this email template is used to send a registration confirmation.

Review Approved

Sent to author of a review once it's been moderated and approved, along with a link to their now published review.

How to Modify and Define Settings in the Email Editor:

You can modify and customize your email templates here with custom text and merge codes. The following descriptions and snapshot provide more information on how you can modify your templates.

From Name

You can use the merge code Internal KBs. This pullsthe store name as specified in your Store Settings. You can also enter it manually if desired.

From Email

You can use the merge code This pulls thethe store email as specified in your Store Settings. You can also enter email address manually.


You can choose between TEXT or HTML for the format to send your email in.


The subject of the email being sent; you can use merge codes here as well..


The main body of the email where you specify the content of the email. You can use text as well as merge codes to personalize the email.

Alert Email Subject

This is the subject of the alert email sent to the store admins. It is a copy of the email sent to the customer but can have a different Email Subject.

Send (Bottom of Page)

Enable this box to send alerts to the store admins. This keeps you notified with a copy of the email. Commonly used to get a copy of order notifications, customer registrations, abandoned cart emails etc.
The alert admin emails need to be configured here: Global Settings > Email Alert Addresses

Alert Email Header

Admin emails have extra options for order specific information not visible to the customer. Here you can specify details about the session id, source, search phrase etc. It can be populated with merge codes as well as text. It gives a quick overview of the source of the order, search phrase used, the PPC campaign, Ad campaign information etc.

The admin email alert addresses receive a copy of the email sent to the customer, along with the information in the Alert Email Header.

The Alert Email Header is sent only to the email addresses specified under Global Settings > Email Alert Addresses.

Email Template Merge Codes

Click on the View Site Merges link to view the available merge codes that you can use inside the email template. When you insert a merge code it is replaced by the value it represents. For example, ##ORDERID## is replaced with the order number.

Many email merge codes are available. Please review the knowledgebase articles 'Merge Codes' for a list of all available merges. Please Note: Only the email based merge codes will work in email templates. Merge codes are specific to certain areas of the site.

Email Events

Once you have the email templates created, you can define settings and events to trigger an email automatically. Each feature that can have an email assigned will have a setting in it's configuration. Here are a few examples of where you would choose a email template for a function.

Order Status Email: Settings > Orders > Order Statuses

  1. Select Edit on any individual Order Status
  2. Under the Email Notification menu, select the email template you wish to use.
  3. Click Save.

Manually Send Email Template to Customer

  1. Click People > Customers

    Select one or more customers you wish to send an email. (Note: Use filters to drill down to a specific list of customers.
  2. Click More Actions in the top right.
  3. Send Email Template will allow you to send the selected email template directly to the selected customers.
  4. Write Email will allow you to manually edit the email template. This is when you want to send it without permanently changing the template. You can also change whether the email is sent from the store email or if it is sent from the Current Admin User's email.

Set Order Confirmation Email

  1. Click Settings > Orders > General
  2. Under the menu for Order Confirmation Menu, select the template for the Order Confirmation. Order Confirmation is the default selection.
  3. Click Save.

Note: If you select Order confirmation template in Store Settings > Email settings as well as in Orders > Order Statuses then you/your customers will be receiving the same email twice.

Check out these other Articles on Email Templates:

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